State Prevention Plan Community of Practice
SCI would like to send a big thank you to those who have joined us for CoP's 1-3! Your work has created an amazing next step in the completion of the state prevention plan.
Below are the dates and the sign-up for the next 3 virtual sessions. Open to all prevention-ists across the state of Ohio, these CoP’s sessions will work to tease out the specific feedback collected with the intention of connecting and highlighting the work that is currently happening in our respective organizations.
Through the adoption of an anti-oppressive framework, our collective goal seeks to standardize, align, integrate, and leverage prevention-ists, and the organizations they represent, in a unified pursuit of equitable prevention and intervention strategies that center the most marginalized populations in our communities. To do this, our CoP’s focus on social identities and workplace identities.

Please view the links below for more information and to sign up!
For more information Click the Links below:
Attributed to Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, the term community of practice refers to the “process of social learning that occurs when people who have a common interest in some subject or problem collaborate over an extended period to share ideas, find solutions, and build innovations.
This CoP seeks to bring together preventionists across the state of Ohio to implement a statewide prevention plan, centering those organizations and programs that provide direct services to community members who experience sexual and/or intimate partner violence.
Through the implementation of an integrated anti-oppressive approach, this CoP will support participants in a cohesive implementation of four (4) strategic priorities: (1) Developing the SAPC Way; (2) Develop a Statewide Policy and Advocacy Agenda; (3) Build a Community of Practice Through Partner Responsibility, and (4) Partnerships, Collaboration, and Community Impact. CoP members will represent their respective organizations and contribute through their participation in the following caucus groups:
APIDA (Asian, Pacific Islander, Desi American)
Black & African American
Individuals with Disabilities
Indigenous/First Nation
Latinx & Latine
Liberatory Masculinity
Student and Youth
White Anti-Racist
Workplace Based
Social Messaging/Marketing
Executive Leadership
K-12 School Policies
College and University Engagement
Intilal CoP session dates:
Friday, October 13, 2023
Friday, November 13, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
**All sessions will be virtual and held 9:30 am and 12:00 pm. Calendar invites including the join link will be sent to registrants.